
How To Get Marijuana Out Of Your System Quickly

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Across the United States, many employers include drug screening as an integral part of their hiring process. These employers believe that only a drug-free workplace can increase productivity and make it a safe place for everyone.

Drug screenings are, therefore, not just a pre-employment procedure but are a regular practice in many companies. Even existing employees are drug screened from time to time.

Although some states have legalized the use of marijuana, drug detection can seriously impair your prospects at a current job or impair your chances of landing one. Passing a drug screening is, therefore, a big deal and a requirement that affects most of us. Sometimes people are desperate and willing to do anything to pass the tests.

If a drug test is sprung on you at the eleventh hour, you may be asked to submit a sample of your urine, blood, or hair follicle to a medical laboratory. We do not advise people to submit false samples but guide them to pass the screenings without deception.

In this article, we have identified numerous best THC detox methods that can effectively purge your system of marijuana (aka weed) and other toxins.

Read till the end to follow our guide to the T and successfully pass all kinds of screenings for weed. And then, you can relax. You can be confident that you'll pass any drug test for weed with flying colors.

So, without further ado, let's begin!

8 Best THC Detox Methods To Help You Clear A Drug Test

#1. Mega Clean Detox Drink

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Taking detox drinks is very popular among people desperate to cleanse their system before drug screenings. But do these products actually help? We feel that most of the detox drinks available in the market do not erase the traces of THC from our bodies. These drinks merely mask the presence of drug metabolites by artificially adding vitamins and proteins to our urine in order to show an outwardly reduced THC level.

However, a few detox drinks are available that may help you clean your body and prepare you to face a drug screening. The best of them all is undoubtedly the Mega Clean Detox Drink produced by Testclear.

This detox drink claims to flush out the unwanted toxins from your body and replenish lost vitamins and minerals simultaneously. The drink comes in an interesting tropical fruity or wild berry flavor and cleanses your urinary, circulatory and digestive systems in just a day.

Key Features

  • Highly recommended for drug tests that have to be taken under supervision.
  • This one liter of drink can minimize your toxin levels in just an hour; although it remains effective for five hours, it is best to drink it three hours before the test so that it has had time to work.
  • This drink is fortified with Mata-Boost and is available in tropical fruit or wildberry flavor.
  • It is an enriched formula for those with heavy builds or potentially higher toxin levels.
  • You are advised to drink the entire bottle of Mega Clean, wait 15 minutes, then refill the bottle with water and drink the remaining content.
  • You should urinate frequently while on this detox method to help flush out the weed metabolites from your system faster and enable Mega Clean to do its job quickly.
  • The brand also provides you six tablets of detoxifying pre-cleanse supplements free along with the purchase of Mega Clean cleansing drink.
  • Despite being very effective, this product is undoubtedly cheaper than the other brands.

Along with this detox drink, the brand recommends you to drink plenty of water—up to 20 ounces every two hours before drinking this detox drink and every two hours after that for the best results. It is also advisable to avoid fatty or greasy food and alcohol before you take the test.

#2. Toxin Rid 5 Day Detox

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Toxin Rid's detoxification kit, yet another cleansing product of Testclear, claims to detoxify your body within one to ten days and to prepare you to meet the challenge of drug screening. Available in seven different potency levels designated to be taken for either one, two, three, four, five, seven, or ten days to undergo the detox program. These kits come with detox medication (pills), liquid, and dietary fibers, which accelerate the rate THC is removed from our bodies.

This product certainly is one of the most reliable ways to ensure that your urine sample is stripped clear of THC while retaining all other indicators in the urine intact. These pills may successfully and permanently flush your system of the traceable levels of THC, unlike many detox drinks which merely clean your urine for a few hours.

Specially customized for consumers with heavy toxin exposure, this detox program may work for all toxins. This program comprises tablets along with a detox liquid ensuring effective and successful cleansing.

Key Features

  • Toxin Rid is free of any fillers, synthetics, animal fat, or protein and is entirely natural, comprising herbs, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Its effective three-part system comprises 75 pre-rid tablets, liquid detox (one fluid ounce), and dietary fiber (one ounce).
  • This powerful detox program is ideal for individuals with heavy toxin exposure.
  • It can work even if you have consumed toxins in a concentrated form like through vapes, edibles, or waxes.
  • It starts working within an hour of its consumption.
  • It clears your urine, saliva, and blood of unwanted toxins.
  • The brand provides stepwise instructions on how to implement this detox program and the kind of diet and liquids you should take to get the best results.
  • The brand is so confident about its products that it provides a money-back guarantee if the product doesn't work.

Remember that it is best to avoid heavy exercise while on the Toxin Rid detox program. It aims to remove toxins from your body by targeting fat cells and intense exercise may interfere with the process. Although expensive, this product is very effective.

#3. Home Remedies Like Lemon Juice & Water

At times, some home remedies such as lemon juice can help you pass a drug test more effectively than any detox program or drink. Drinking lemon juice may stimulate intense detoxification and is believed to be very effective for weed. Lemons are enriched with antioxidants, have good detoxifying properties, and are an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, and soluble fibers.

The best way to achieve this is by mixing a tablespoon of lemon juice with half a liter of water and keep sipping it over a few hours. Diluting lemon adds lots of fluids to your body, further flushing toxins.

You must aim to drink this mixture at least seven or eight times a day leading up to your drug screening. Besides lemon juice, drinking plenty of water can help dilute your urine resulting in you peeing clean. In general, if you are scheduled for a drug test, drink lots of water. Although submitting a transparent and clear urine sample may get you disqualified, you have a better chance of passing the test if you follow our guidance without overdoing it.

Here's an easy way to make your detox drink: Take a glass and squeeze half or an entire lemon into it. Add water to the lemon juice and stir it. And, it is done! Just keep sipping it throughout the day.

#4. Cranberry Juice

Eating fruits and drinking their juice is always an excellent way to keep your body fresh, hydrated, and toxin-free. Our advice is to do that as much as possible for at least a week before your drug test. If you want to delete all traces of THC from your body, we suggest you drink some slightly tart but delicious cranberry juice. This may be a reliable method to clean your system of weed.

The detoxification process of cranberry juice is a lot like other natural detox drinks. It does not mask or hide the THC in your system, but it is one of the best ways to flush THC as thoroughly and rapidly as possible.

This method offers some additional benefits that make it stand out amongst others. Taking a vitamin B supplement along with cranberry juice can add a splash of color to otherwise clear and transparent urine. The process will make your urine more natural and less suspicious to the person conducting the drug test.

Just make sure you are not allergic to cranberries before consuming the juice. Drink moderate amounts first, and if you find you are not allergic to it, you can safely increase your intake. It is better if you start your consumption of cranberry juice 24 hours before your test. You may drink up to two liters of the fluid. Prepare the juice at home to ensure its purity. Go and face your screening with confidence.

As cranberries are natural diuretics, be ready to pee often, so make sure you are in a comfortable environment that allows yourself enough time and space.

Do not drink the entire two liters of cranberry juice at a time. Drink it over 24 hours so that the fluid can flush your system thoroughly and wash out all THC metabolites.

#5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has already gained popularity as one of the best cleansing agents. This amber-colored vinegar obtained from fermented apples is an ideal detox agent. It is already considered very healthy as it helps in weight loss, elimination of contaminants, and controlling your blood sugar levels.

When considering natural alternatives to commercial detox agents, apple cider vinegar is undoubtedly one of the most common options. It also benefits us with its antibacterial properties. You can prepare your detox drink by simply mixing a half cup of apple cider vinegar with one cup of water.

Furthermore, apple cider vinegar is often suggested to detangle and add shine to your hair. This homemade formula may help you pass through a hair follicle test if you are subjected to it.

In order to take advantage of its hair benefits, mix apple cider vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio and apply it to your hair. Let it sit for a few minutes before you rinse. We suggest you begin with weaker dilution if you have sensitive skin because vinegar may cause irritation.

The primary metabolite of marijuana tends to deposit in concentrated form in the sweat glands of our scalps and hair follicles. Apple cider vinegar works well on the cuticle (the outermost layer of hair follicles) and removes the drug metabolites. But this formula may not work well on the cortex (inner layer) of our hair strands.

Suppose you are a light user and have a thin layer of marijuana metabolite concentration in your hair and scalp. In that case, apple cider vinegar may help you pass a drug test.

#6. Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo

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Since hair follicles store traces of THC metabolites for four months, you should wash your hair and scalp with more potent formulas than apple cider vinegar if you are a habitual cannabis user or a devoted hemp lover facing a drug test. In a hair follicle drug test, a strand of your hair is collected usually from the scalp (around 1.5 inches long) and examined in labs to see if any drug was taken in the past three months.

Using Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo may give you better results and increase your chances of passing this test. Users claimed using this detoxifying shampoo helped them pass their hair follicle drug test.

For best results, you should start applying the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo at least three to ten days before your test. But if you are given only a 24-hour notice, you may still stand a significant chance of passing the test. All you need to do is wash your hair a few times with the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo before going to the lab and giving a sample of your hair.

This unique product contains a powerful cleansing solution that will reduce the drug levels in your strands and scalp to the point where you can pass the drug test comfortably. Although it may seem slightly pricey for some, this formulation is highly effective, and this product's reviews are filled with satisfied buyers.

The brand suggests using Ultra Clean shampoo and the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo together for better results. Ultra Clean Shampoo used on the day of your test successfully dissolves and washes away the chemicals, impurities, and medications from the hair shaft by penetrating deep into the scalp. Generally, the effect of this shampoo can last up to 24 hours.

Testclear recommends you to use Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid every day, preferably three to ten days before your test, and Ultra Clean shampoo on the day of the test to get the best possible result. While shampooing, apply it on moistened hair, massage your hair and scalp, and keep the lather in your hair for about 15 minutes; take extra care to massage your scalp because as the skin there may harbor traces of THC. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water. Be sure to wash your hair at least 15 times before the test for the best results. The deep clean formula of the shampoo successfully and delicately removes all the chemicals, pollutants, residual build-up, or any other impurities using an advanced microsphere technology. Avoid any previously used items like pillowcases, hats, headbands, or beanies to prevent any accidental reintroduction of toxins.

Key Features

  • Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is available in an eight ounce bottle which allows for multiple applications.
  • Besides this shampoo, the brand provides an Ultra Clean shampoo pack; when combined, both products work together to remove toxins.

#7. Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash

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A swab drug test is very convenient to perform, minimally invasive, difficult to manipulate, and provides instant results. It is a convenient method of drug testing and hence has risen in popularity in recent years. Unlike other tests that look for weed metabolites, i.e., THC-COOH, mouth swab tests look for THC present in the saliva.

It is convenient and safe to pass a saliva screening test unless you are asked to take a test unexpectedly.

If you are notified well in advance about an upcoming saliva drug test, it will suffice if you stop smoking for two or three days before the test. But, if you don't want to take any risk at all, you must then refrain from using weed for a week before. If you are asked to provide your saliva sample on short notice, your best chance to pass is by using Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash.

Well-known product Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash is convenient to use. You just have to take one-third of the mouthwash, swish it in your mouth for three minutes and then spit it out. Keep repeating this with the remaining quantity of mouthwash in the bottle to ensure you get rid of all the toxins.

This mouthwash contains hydrogen peroxide, an adulterant that has been used for passing drug tests for a long time. Its unique formulation is meant to get rid of all the detectable drug toxins from your mouth. Moreover, it comes in a tiny one-ounce bottle, which is easy to hide.

So, if you are looking for an instant detox, this mouthwash is what you may need to pass your swab-based drug test.

#8. Home Drug Test Kits (Bonus)

If you are notified about an upcoming drug test, you might want to purchase some at-home versions of these tests to try on your own. This will give you additional confidence that you may pass the test your employer wants you to go through.

Testclear's drug testing kits are meant to help you understand how exposed you have been to particular toxins. These kits give quick and accurate readings about the level of toxins and presence of drugs in your body.

The company offers 19 different kinds of drug testing kits, which you can use at home to know the level of toxins and drugs in your blood:

  • Amphetamine Home Drug Test
  • Barbiturate Drug Testing Kit
  • Benzodiazepine Test Kit
  • Ecstasy Drug Testing Kit
  • Methamphetamine Drug Test
  • Nicotine Drug Test Kit
  • Oxycodone Drug Test Kit
  • Steroid Drug Testing Kit
  • Cocaine Drug Test Kit
  • Hair Confirm Hair Drug Test kits
  • Marijuana Drug Test Kit
  • Opiate Drug Testing Kit
  • Hair Confirm Express Hair Drug Testing Kit
  • Hair Confirm Prescription Hair Drug Testing Kit
  • K2 / Spice / Synthetic Marijuana Drug Testing Kit
  • SalivaConfirm 5-Panel Oral Fluid Screening Kit
  • 5-Panel Multi-Drug Home Dip Test
  • Hair Confirm Business Hair Drug Testing Kit
  • 10-Panel Multi-Drug Home Dip Test

Drug Test Types You Will Likely Have To Take

While we are discussing how to pass a drug test for weed, it is important to be aware of the various types of drug testing. Knowing about these tests in detail can help you better prepare for them. There are four common types of tests that can detect adult drug usage and are likely to be used by your employer.

#1. Urine Drug Test

This is one of the most frequently used tests to indicate drug use. If you have tried weed for the first time or are an occasional smoker, a urine test can detect marijuana for up to five days. The period for which urine tests can detect drugs varies from one to three weeks for frequent users and four to six weeks if you are a daily user.

Health professionals examine color, relevant medication indicators, pH, and the temperature of your urine. Urine tests can detect alcohol, opioids, opiates, or methamphetamines if you have used them.

Most companies ask you to provide your urine sample at the lab. You cannot send a sample taken at home as it will no longer be at an appropriate temperature for testing. Sometimes you will be asked to provide a urine sample that is collected under supervision. This supervision removes the chances of urine swapping.

#2. Blood Test

Blood tests are the most invasive form of drug testing and can detect weed usage up to 60 days after use if you are a habitual weed consumer. But, if you are just an occasional user, THC typically remains in your bloodstream for only five days. A certified healthcare professional will draw your blood and send your sample to the lab for analysis. A blood test can detect several drugs as well as alcohol and nicotine.

But this option is not frequently used for a job drug test; it is mainly used if you are arrested under suspicion of drug use.

#3. Hair Follicle Test

The hair follicle test is perhaps the most effective and foolproof method to detect all kinds of drug use, including weed.

And that is why more and more businesses, government departments, and athletic organizations prefer this method of screening over all others. A hair test can detect substance abuse or drug intakes accurately even after 120 days. But, if you have recently tried smoking weed for the first time in the past two or three days, opting for this test is an excellent idea as it won't detect anything you consumed in the last few days.

Hair follicle testing makes use of the fact that when drug metabolites penetrate the scalp's blood vessels, these are permanently filtered and stored there as permanent evidence of the drug use by a person. Regular shampoos are not helpful in this situation, as the metabolites linger in hair for weeks together after use, which means even if you had smoked weed three months ago, you would test positive today. Most people oppose this type of drug test, mainly because it doesn't detect actual drug use.

#4. Saliva/Swab Test

One of the lesser invasive and sensitive drug tests, the saliva test, can detect the presence of drugs for up to a week. This test can detect recent cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines, and weed usage within the last few hours.

During this test, your mouth swab is collected, or you will be asked to spit into a tube sent for saliva analysis. Although these tests have slight possibilities of false positives or negatives, most of the time, they are highly reliable.

What You Should Do If You Don't Have Adequate Time For A Proper THC Detox

You may often find a drug test slapped on you very unexpectedly, leaving you with no time to detoxify your system before the test. In that scenario, the only way to pass a drug test for weed is by cheating the drug test with synthetic urine.

Synthetic urine kits are your best chance to successfully and surely clear these unbeatable drug tests. Synthetic urine exactly replicates the real urine in all aspects, including the color, smell, and foam. The kits contain a powder that is supposed to be combined with water before use. For maintaining the urine at testable temperature, the kits also include heating pads that serve that purpose. You can procure synthetic urine online, and this substance is very much legal. Hence, if you want to clear the test, the last resort is to procure some fake urine instead of taking a chance.

You can also try other methods to clear the drug tests, such as drinking a large amount of water before taking the test, diluting the urine to the extent that it diminishes the detectable drug levels. Some people also cheat by giving someone else's urine sample for the test.

You also get specific urine samples mixed with chemicals in the market. These are called adulterated specimens that can hide the drugs present in the urine. Although drug testing machines can detect these chemicals and tag your test invalid, the appliances cannot detect chemicals like isopropanol.

However, do your research and be cautious before opting for these methods, as these are fraudulent methods and should be avoided as far as possible.

Why Do Employers Need a Drug Test for Weed?

Legalities concerning marijuana are constantly changing, and of late, employers have been very vigilant when drug testing their workers for THC or weed. Your employer can ask you at the eleventh hour for a urine drug test before you join a new job. Several employees fear this unexpected screening, and many often get caught unprepared. Though it may seem like an invasion of privacy, the urine drug test is ubiquitous in many businesses.

You need to clear drug tests for a wide range of jobs, especially if the nature of work can pose a risk of injury. But why do the companies need drug testing in the first place? Here are the most common reasons why your workplace may demand drug testing.

Ensuring safety at the workplaces

Most occupations require immense dedication, good teamwork, and objectivity; furthermore, bosses want to ensure that you are in a proper state of mind if your job requires you to run hazardous machinery.

Abiding by the law

Federal and state laws demand certain occupations like healthcare or government jobs to maintain a drug-free environment. Any organizations failing to comply may face legal consequences.

Identifying drug abuse

This reason is perhaps the most important one. If any company or organization is strict with its no-drug policy, it will reject prospective employees or even fire an employee who fails to pass the drug test.

FAQs On Passing Drug Tests For Weed

Q: Do detox drinks work for weed?

A: If you have consumed weed regularly in the past few weeks, no method can guarantee that you will pass a drug test. However, the following steps may help.

Do not consume any more weed between now and your scheduled test. Drink plenty of water and start with natural diuretics to flush your system thoroughly. Then, opt for a detox program or a detox drink to mask THC or flush down all the toxins from your system. Follow our guidance and instructions given on the packagings of detox supplements and hope for the best results.

Q: How does our body store THC?

A: Being highly fat-soluble, the remnants of weed tend to accumulate in your fat cells, at least before it is broken down and released into the bloodstream. So, you will have a higher tendency to store THC if you are overweight or have a higher BMI and a sedentary lifestyle.

Q: How long does our body store THC?

A: The time for which THC is stored in a body depends on several factors like strength of the weed, the method by which the weed is consumed (both of these criteria decide its potency), and your frequency of weed use. Regular smoking results in the accumulation of weed in your system, making it stay longer. Also, your lifestyle and exercise play a role; those who regularly exercise are more likely to get their systems rid of THC faster than those who have an unhealthy lifestyle.

Q: Do agents like detox tea or alcohol work in THC detox?

A: Detox teas are mostly diuretics, which can help flush out THC by increasing your urination and washing out the kidneys. Although it doesn't guarantee THC elimination from your system, it can help mask THC in your urine. But better be cautious, as it can modify creatinine levels in your urine, suggesting to the lab technician the possible contamination of your urine.

Alcohol consumption doesn't help in THC detox. It can, on the contrary, boost THC levels in your body. So, if you have smoked pot and consumed some alcohol, your THC levels will probably be higher than with marijuana alone.

Q: Is it possible to detox weed out of your system if you are pregnant?

A: Yes, you can detox while you are pregnant. In this situation, detoxing is not just for passing a drug test, but because the toxins are detrimental for your fetus. Of course, you should do so strictly under the supervision of your doctor, who may recommend detox products suitable for you.

Conclusion: Will These Detox Methods Help Pass a Drug Test?

If you are notified about an upcoming drug test, the best thing you can do is quit using drugs or marijuana altogether. This may help you pass, particularly if you have ample time to prepare. Weed stays in your system for several weeks or months, depending on the amount and frequency of your use, so a long break will improve your chances of passing.

However, you may be asked to take a test without any prior notification. In that case, the best method that increases the chances of you clearing the test is by using detox supplements that can remove toxins from your body. A detox kit will ensure efficient and rapid flushing of toxins out of your system.

Additional precautions like drinking lots of fluids and avoiding fatty food and alcoholic beverages will maximize your probability of passing even the directly supervised test.

Detox drinks increase your probability of beating the tests if you want to be 100% sure.

The last option that can help you is using synthetic urine or a powdered urine kit (only possible if the test is not directly supervised). Depending on your situation, the recommendations in this list are sure to improve your chances of passing.

How To Get Marijuana Out Of Your System Quickly


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