
How To Get A Guy Horny

The question of how to make a guy horny is a real concern for many women. While traditionally most men believe that they need to be the ones turning women on, in reality it is mostly a women's game.

Whether it is a tease or you are looking to get some affection, it is essential to know that you can have a great effect on any guy if you learn these 10 easy techniques.

10 Steps to get him horny and aroused

Taking the initiative as a girl and getting the desired results can be a very fulfilling achievement. The following steps will teach you how to make a guy horny to a point of wanting you madly.

But don't make your goal too obvious for him. Remember that you don't have to immediately give your guy a blow job or stroke his penis to make him horny and crazy with desire for you. There are more subtle ways.

The mystery will keep him guessing, which means that his mind will already be working. Remain playful and let him think about you without making it too obvious. Let him wonder a little bit and keep him interested and attentive to your advances.

Now let's learn how to get a guy horny.

1. Wear sexy clothes that he likes

wear a sexy dress

We are very visual creatures. This especially relates to men. Men´s primordial instincts are programmed to be a hunter and protector. Men perceive life as a stage where they can find and conquer.

As a result, guys´ visual senses are tuned to react to certain colors and features. (The color red for example is known for its strong pull power)

Bottom line is that most men react to sexy and somewhat suggestive clothes a lot more than they do to conversations.

Teasing him visually could lead to his attention quickly refocusing on you and your body. Suggestive body movements in sexy clothes that accentuate each movement can further increase his arousal.

If you have large breasts use them to your advantage. Proudly show off your cleavage. Men are very visual creatures and the sight of cleavage is a very powerful stimulant.

Help: Increase your breast size naturally in two weeks

However, wearing sexy clothes in a public place, with possible competition walking around might not have the desired effect on your man. He may be losing his focus on you as soon as he sees somebody else.

You must forgive him, he can't help himself.

2. Get him to be with you, just you

get him alone

If you want to get a guy horny and fill him with desire towards you, make sure you become his main point of attention.

One of the the easiest way to do that is to isolate him from crowds, family, friends, and any other people who could distract him or your advances.

Big crowds are usually a distraction and most guys will feel great discomfort by getting an erection in a public place. So they will naturally fight against it and try to control themselves, leading to a more controlled behavior on their part.

As you can imagine, it may be even more difficult to get him horny while sitting at a dinner table with his or your parents. His mind will be focusing on them and their reactions, rather then your sexual advances.

Getting him alone goes a long way into building sexual tension. A nice, warm and secluded place will be ideal for him to relax and feel like he can be himself.

Try to find a reason to get as close to him as possible and let him know that you like him. Remember, you are trying to get him horny without letting on too much. Keep it calm and raise the sexual tension between you gradually. He will most likely enjoy that as much as you.

Perhaps try to show him something that will require both of you to be very close to each other. This is by far one of the best tips to use when looking to make a guy horny fast.

It is going to be difficult for him to ask you to move a distance away. So this is very unlikely to happen. However, at this stage, remain casual. This goes a long way into getting him to be at ease with your bodies touching each other.

Try to sense what he is thinking at this stage. There are some very clever ways to do that.

Help: Learn to read his mind and to control it

3. Speak softly and gently

speak softly

There is a big difference between showing a guy that you are interested in him and getting him horny and exploding with sexual energy.

For example, smiling and looking at him is a clear sign that you are interested. However, speaking softly without losing eye contact might unexpectedly get him slightly aroused. It also helps to set the mood. The key objective is to sound sexy so that your guy can turn his attention to your lips.

Speaking softly is a strategy employed by women throughout centuries, so it definitely get a guy horny quite fast.

Human voice and the sound we make when we speak have specific frequencies. Some of the frequencies can actually alter our moods.

Think of a woman who is shouting at you in anger. Surely, her voice will make you feel angry, irritated, or maybe even frightened. She is not going to sound loveable, or seem attractive. The sound of her angry voice will most likely push you away.

Similarly, the sound of a woman speaking softly and gently will have a strong pulling effect. A gentle sound is an inviting sound, it's something that most guys long to hear. Remember that, your way of speaking can have a tremendous influence on how he begins to feel towards you.

4. Be extra sweet but without sounding fake

Just like any woman loves to get a nice compliment from a guy, men love to get compliments too. Being nice to a guy usually sends the right kind of signal.

For future reference, try to avoid sending mixed signals to your guy. Acting in a strange and confusing way can be quite discouraging and may have the opposite effect. The result of that may be that his attention will turn somewhere else, possibly even another girl that is sending clear signals.

Always remember that guys can get frustrated and discouraged quickly if they feel neglected. Some of them may even feel slightly insulted at the thought of you neglecting him.

By simply being nice and real with him will bring you two much closer. More importantly, your future relation will be based on what is actually there.

5. Create situations to stimulate his senses

create awkward moments

Every woman should know that what men see arouses them. For most men, visual stimulation is the key to get them hooked. Most women know this and use it to their advantage and to gain attention. So even before you let your guy touch your body, you need to please his eye.

If you don't believe this works, think of a very curvy woman wearing a tight, red dress and high heels. Walking among ordinarily dressed women she will undoubtedly gain the most attention from the onlooking men.

It's not much different in the bedroom. Although you may have isolated your guy from the crowds and other people who may have been a distraction, it is still advised to dress in such a way that will stimulate his imagination.

This doesn't necessarily mean dressing like a stripper and behaving like one, but it means that you should always try to accentuate your best features. Simply put, to get your man horny, be prepared to give him a visual taste.

Furthermore, if you have already spent a considerable amount of time with your man, you should already know which part of your body arouses him the most. Use that to your advantage.

So if you know that your guy reacts to breasts, why not wear a tight top showing some cleavage. Direct his attention to your body. That will raise his temperature and make him follow your every move.

Play with that a little without rushing. For example, create a situation in which you could slightly reveal your best feature. This may seem silly to you, flirting like that with specific parts of your body, but guys are simply programmed to perceive sexual signals through visual stimulation.

You can use that to your advantage and also give him something to remember. Perhaps, even for his entire life….

A simple way to create a sexy situation which may lead to gentle touching is to ask him to check if there is something on your skin at the back of your neck. Move your hair to the side and reveal it's shape. A woman's neck can be very attractive to a lot of guys.

TIP! When your guy comes closer, but still remains at a distance, move back slightly to get as close as possible. Initiate a gentle touch or slightly press your back to him. If he begins to kiss your neck, it's a very clear sign that he is getting aroused.

6. Get ready to touch him in sensual places

touch him discretely

After jogging his mind and getting him to think dirty, it is time to arouse him through touch. Touching a guy works like a miracle and it has been proven to be one of the best tips when looking to find out how to make a guy horny. However, keep in mind that he needs to be open to you and comfortable to be around you. It would not just touch a guy especially sensitively without prior invitation.

If you are out for dinner, try having your dinner and halfway through it, remove your shoe and slide it up one of his legs.

Make it look unintentional. You can try to make it look like you were stretching. When doing this, watch his reaction very closely. You will notice a smile or a continued comfort.

The main goal is to get naughty without drawing everyone's attention around you. It is therefore important that you keep this strategy light hearted. Give him the extra time to run sexy thoughts through his mind.

For people who are outgoing and have been in a relationship for a while, there are other ways you can get your guy horny and give him an erection. You just need to be more creative.

7. Talk dirty close to his ear

talk dirty to his ear

Talking dirty is an obvious way of how to make a guy horny. When talking dirty, you can get closer and whisper about all the fun moments you have had in reference to sexual activity. Tell him how you feel when he penetrates you. Describe the last sexual encounter and also include your fantasies and indicate how he has made them a reality. Let him know that your nipples are going crazy and something needs to be done by the only person who how best to do it.

Nothing works as fast and as easy as talking dirty to your boyfriend. It triggers his mind like a time bomb and once the mind is set on the sexy speech you delivered, the signal will be sent straight to his male organ and an erection is bound to occur, no doubt. As a matter of fact, it will last a while before he can calm down.

8. Talk about sex… in detail if you brave enough

talk dirty to him

To get a guy horny is not as difficult as it seems. Guys are easy to turn on. While sited next to your boyfriend, even when in public, you can ask him dirty questions.

If you are afraid that someone may hear you, writing it on your phone as a text and passing it for him to read can be a sexy way of getting the point across. Ask him how he feels about a blowjob or a hand job.

Help: How to talk dirty to a guy without sounding slutty

The main objective is to get his mind to start thinking about sex, which will, in turn, get him horny. Because you are already close, the answer will be something to keep the conversation going.

Men have a wild imagination especially when it comes to sexually related topics and it is important that you get them to open up and share what they like.

When asking these questions, you need to incorporate eye contact. Make it look sexy so he cannot resist the temptation. No matter where you are, he will not even look around. You will be the center of concentration. In this, he may actually not get to see you physically but his mind is fully occupied with you and him.

9. Kiss him passionately and get really close

This strategy works great especially if you are at home. Whether you are watching a movie or preparing a late nigh dinner, a nice full kiss will communicate quite a lot.

However, this kiss should not come across as an "I am your girlfriend" kiss. This should be a teasing kiss. It should be something that will get him away from watching his favorite football team.

10. When all else fails, touch his manhood

touching guy´s groin

If you tried all these points above and you still feel that your man is not horny enough, proceed to touch his groin area. That's the most sensitive and erogenous area in men. In fact, for many men, this is the only erogenous zone. (See woman's erogenous zones here)

This point is perhaps the most obvious but touching the groin area can be quite challenging for many women. Let´s just say there are some aspects of this action that can be a bit tricky.

If you do it to quickly into your relationship you may be perceived as being too aggressive. Then you risk being called easy, or slutty, and in some situations even scare your guy away.

Most guys however, will appreciate your direct approach. In general, this is what most guys often dream about, so in a way, you would be making their dream come true…

Touching your man's private area during kissing will make him horny very quickly. Even when you touch him through his pants, he will most likely still get very quickly aroused.

The serious implications of innocent ´penis play´

touching groin his penis

The implications of touching a guy's penis erotically should be very clear. Your guy will want some physical gratification to release the tension that is accumulating in his brain and penis.

Without a followed up orgasm your guy will most likely suffer from a mild case of epididymal hypertension, commonly known as ´blue balls´. Funny as that sounds, it´s quite unpleasant and it consists of prolonged pain of the testicles. The pain usually passes within 24 hours.

If you are not ready to have a full sexual intercourse, but you are in a position where you can keep touching him with your hands, you can continue to do that until your guy has an orgasm.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using your hands to make your guy horny and and to satisfy his desire. And if you do it the right way, it will bring a lot of happiness to him and your bond will be stronger.

Help: Advice on how to use your hands creatively.

Additional tips for making him want you even more

  • Apply eye contact when implementing your strategy.
  • Ensure you are looking your best. Men get aroused by what they see and with a positive impression; the rest will be a walk in the park.
  • Avoid being so obvious in the initial stages. Allow him time to get comfortable around you.
  • Ensure you smell great. The scent is a great effort that lingers in a guy's brain without you having to say anything or do anything. It simply works in your favor. Just as with food, you are more likely to grab that smells great fast.
  • Retain your confidence. If you find something uncomfortable for you, you are likely to rub it off on your partner.
  • Ensure you are warm and cozy. This welcoming gesture will help you carry out the other strategies easily.

Conclusion and video

The above strategies come in handy on many occasions. While you may not use all of the strategies at the same time, using two or three at the same time may bring about faster and better results. For example, whispering something dirty in his ear while bending over and touching him suggestively will trigger a fast erection.

How To Get A Guy Horny


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